domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Inner Power

I often find that others have their life way easier, that certain things that they desire come on a silver plate and that, generally, don't seem to struggle much in order to obtain what they want and yet they have.

Envy on someone else's exterior power actually tells the lack of your own inner power. What happens with all these happy people when they are stripped from their exterior power? When they become poor. When the girlfriend/boyfriend ditches them. When they change the country and have to make friends from scratch. Some – the ones who hang on exterior things – are a rack. Others act in order to solve the problems and even succeed. Those should deserve our admiration.

There is a biblical character, Iov, whose faith and patience have been strongly tested: he lost one by one his wealth, his family, his health. But he still trusted that God had a bigger plan for him. And, out of the blue, one day all his goods were returned as a reward for his faith and patience.

I wonder whether this is the solution to get the things you want: wealth, friends, a lover: lying on the bad and watching TV to concentrate to have faith and to wait patiently because sometimes you will be rewarded.

Faith and patience matter, but are not enough. What makes the difference between happiness and unhappiness is the courage to act.

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viernes, 8 de agosto de 2008

Feelings, nothing more than feelings

They teach us a lot of things in school – History, Geography, Math – yet one compulsory assignment remains optional: Acting. It seems to me that knowing, for example, a lot of History serves you less compared to being a good actor. They say History is important because it helps us understand who we are or helps us predicting the future counting on the past ... I wonder how many History fans can do that. Besides telling us a story ... often pretty dull ... who has fought with whom, why and when ... the great majority can't do more.

I find History boring and a lot useless as compared to acting. We need to be actors everyday, we need to charm others by displaying our feelings. The scholar curriculum manifests little interest in the emotional universe of the pupil; I wonder why. The pupil is a knowledge vacuum, who repeats sucked-in knowledge when the teacher asks him. The pupil applies the recipe in order to solve the problems from math books. There is little room for creativity or for feelings display. It seems that feelings don't interest anybody.

I go to the theatre very rarely or almost never. That is why I am always amazed of how actors are overacting: they shout at each other, they slap each other, they rip their clothes off, clump on the wood floor, puff at every line. I wonder if the dramatism of the script justifies such a wealth of gestures and physiologic reactions.

I think I know why the auditoriums are always full: people need to delight themselves with the feelings display, especially because at school, work ... they are ignored, if not forbidden.

I started being irritated by the pridefulness and frenzy with which some people are working, solving tasks round the clock, incapable of inventing a joke or even laugh at one. It appears that investing time in solving particular practical problems worths the effort, while showing your emotions or inducing emotions in others is an optional matter, privilege of the artists.

I wonder if we can afford not knowing anything about acting. If extirpating feelings from our lives is really that harmless.

Je veux voir le monde
Qu'il soit gai ou triste
Qu'il chante o qu'il gronde
Pourvu qu'il existe
Je veux voir des villes
Qu'elles soient blanches ou rouges
Et des yeux qui brillent
Et des gens qui bougent

I want to see the world
Happy or sad
Even if it sings or it grumbles
Because it is alive
I want to see cities
White or red
And eyes who sparkle
And people who move

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