I often find that others have their life way easier, that certain things that they desire come on a silver plate and that, generally, don't seem to struggle much in order to obtain what they want and yet they have.
Envy on someone else's exterior power actually tells the lack of your own inner power. What happens with all these happy people when they are stripped from their exterior power? When they become poor. When the girlfriend/boyfriend ditches them. When they change the country and have to make friends from scratch. Some – the ones who hang on exterior things – are a rack. Others act in order to solve the problems and even succeed. Those should deserve our admiration.
There is a biblical character, Iov, whose faith and patience have been strongly tested: he lost one by one his wealth, his family, his health. But he still trusted that God had a bigger plan for him. And, out of the blue, one day all his goods were returned as a reward for his faith and patience.
I wonder whether this is the solution to get the things you want: wealth, friends, a lover: lying on the bad and watching TV to concentrate to have faith and to wait patiently because sometimes you will be rewarded.
Faith and patience matter, but are not enough. What makes the difference between happiness and unhappiness is the courage to act.
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Envy on someone else's exterior power actually tells the lack of your own inner power. What happens with all these happy people when they are stripped from their exterior power? When they become poor. When the girlfriend/boyfriend ditches them. When they change the country and have to make friends from scratch. Some – the ones who hang on exterior things – are a rack. Others act in order to solve the problems and even succeed. Those should deserve our admiration.
There is a biblical character, Iov, whose faith and patience have been strongly tested: he lost one by one his wealth, his family, his health. But he still trusted that God had a bigger plan for him. And, out of the blue, one day all his goods were returned as a reward for his faith and patience.
I wonder whether this is the solution to get the things you want: wealth, friends, a lover: lying on the bad and watching TV to concentrate to have faith and to wait patiently because sometimes you will be rewarded.
Faith and patience matter, but are not enough. What makes the difference between happiness and unhappiness is the courage to act.
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